Food Donation for Poor- Participate In Such Auspicious Cause

Sri Krishna himself says that he carries what his devotees lack and it is without a doubt that he is ensuring the welfare of all his bhaktas. However, the Lord does not necessarily personally come and deliver the required ingredients for the devotees to maintain their lives, rather he arranges for this threw the medium of other Vaishnavas who have been blessed by the Lord with sufficient resources. In the midst of the ongoing pandemic and the government lockdown order, several families are sleeping hungry and stranded in remote areas of the city. During such uncertain times, ISKCON Delhi has come forward to distribute prasadam and grocery kits for the needy across the city. You can also avail the mercy of the Lord by providing online donations to temples that will be further used for the welfare of the poor and needy people.

We at ISKCON Delhi, a spiritual organization for the cultivation of Krishna Consciousness, are attempting to provide everyone with an opportunity to serve these selfless saintly people by donating to FOOD FOR LIFE, so that we may serve nutritious sanctified food to all these devotees. With the finances we receive for this cause, we shall ensure that all the devoted resident's cities are depending solely on the mercy of the Lord and his devotees. We, therefore, request all the kind and godly people to come forward for this auspicious cause of serving prasad to the simple needy people by offering food donations for the poor
