
Showing posts from April, 2022

Seek The Blessings Of Lord Krishna At Your Home

A famous temple of Krishna is the ISKCON temple having branches almost everywhere. One of the best branches to seek the mercy of Lord Krishna is ISKCON Delhi, where one can easily participate in online puja by offering online donations to temple puja and attain the mercy of the Lord. BOOK AN ONLINE ARCHANA PUJA IN ANY OF THE FAMOUS TEMPLES IN INDIA   With this Online Puja, everyone all over the world can now serve and worship these deities and receive their special mercy on various occasions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, prayer for the removal of obstacles, some special prayers, or celebration of the Lord’s special days/festivals, can be a few instances for offering this online puja.  There is also an online facility to serve the Dham devotees.    By offering the various Archana puja, one can earn unlimited spiritual benefits, mercy and also, and increased worship. ​ Register with an online donation to the temple for a free puja in your name on the auspicious dates and perf